Friday 10 April 2015

Mosaic Rooms - Hrair Sarkissian

2 films at the same time.

I could only see one at a time as they were facing each other across a large room. I switched from one to the other assessing their relationship to each other.

The sound track from one was the only noise in the room.

The progress of smashing and demolition in one film was out of synch with the collapsing building in the other film.

Just because someone has made such a film doesn't mean I have to spend any time there. It is a free choice. That's what I prefer above all.

Upstairs there were large photographs which seemed extra still. All photos are still, but these were more so than usual. The dark green trees gave me that impression.

The book shop is enticing. Since there was no charge and I was staying for free at my parents' house I had some £ to spend. Call it an investment in the cultural life of several nations.

Tate Shots short film of Hrair Sarkissian speaking about a different exhibition.

1 comment:

  1. Interview just posted on Ibraaz. Conducted by email.


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