Monday 8 February 2016

liha ummi wrist maksura

lianna aktub bilurgha a moi seul

alyaum j'ai paye le fare dans alqitar lunduniya mit meinem carte albank

naam, herda kaatib (writing) maksura and completely fucked walakin its the only way I can takkalum bilurgha al bloody arabiyya

arrghh, no, this won't get posted, but it's a heck of a lot more fun to write than my serious Arabic creations.

just to mix it up: bivikasha, toda, eriv tov, laila tov, beautiful Hebrew

ureed an attakallum maa meinem neues chat buddy bicafe limuseum (Hebrew accent!) almathaf aljadid fi uksfurd

huwa talib suryi wa urid an arif what he has been doing usbua almadi

ureed an yaarif an atakallum bi alarbyiia just like this, spouting it out all wrong!

allah!! swearing. das verdeutet god! und ist very rude.

warum spreche ich al dieses languages, und dann nicht in just one stricken/ i have gone off the rails completely now.

It's all my mother's fault for breaking her wrist. I think I need to stay in London for another day. Oh joy! Oh cafes! Oh let's visit the Tate for the umpteenth time! And I will have to miss my Wed Arabic lesson, which is very bad news because that teacher goes so fast and I need that right now.


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