Saturday 6 February 2016

אני קוראת ספר של חמיס חולוד - Haifa Fragments - I am reading a book by khulud khamis - وأنا أقرأ كتاب خميس خلود

i am reading 
אני קוראת 
ani kurat?

a book

by khulud khamis
של חמיס חולוד
sal? khamis khulud (the names get reversed I see)

أفضل في الكتاب - القصة عن الوالدان, القصة عن الباب, القصة عن الإستقبال بين الأمهات اثنين في الضفة الغربية

1 comment:

  1. thanks Sarah. the last sentence, which you wrote in Arabic, about what you loved in the book - warmed my heart.
    Since then, I have moved my blog and am now writing on wordpress. please do visit and connect with me at Also, you're welcome to connect with me on the book's Facebook page, where I post fragments of my fiction, non-fiction, and poetry,at in solidarity, khulud


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