Sunday 5 July 2015

In the basement at parties - The mantlepiece again - ana qibla wuludaty, ila ummi, ma'a alqitt, 'caesar'

H is somewhere behind there. My friend from my Arabic classes was there too. We talked and didn't really pay full attention to the pictures. I think art galleries are for those at a loose end and with their full minds available. We just had a social time amongst the exhibits :)

H switched the lights on and off for fun. I took a little film of him appearing and disappearing again between the giant displays. It was very soothing down there in the basement. It could do with a couple of sofas for people like me to rest in, while thinking and making notes.

Another section of my parents' house. The sheep's skull used to be there for decades.. but is now up in my father's study. I can't tell who is in that little oval photo at the front, so will have to check next time I am there.

This is the best one. That photo of my mother resting with the cat Caesar while pregnant is one of my favourites. Guess what this says:

أنا قبل ولادتي، داخل والدتي، مع القط بجانبنا

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