Tuesday 3 February 2015

J'essaie maintenant d'ecrire en arabe chaque soir - No Warning

Chaque soir

Ce n'est pas impossible, mais il faut choisir des mots et des evenements avec soin. Voyant un tout petit bonhomme de neige sur un table devant un cafe me donne des idees, mais ce soir j'aurais peut etre mal a trouver des mots dont j'aurais besoin.

No warning

H said mumtaz and ahlan to me without any warning on the way home. Then he wanted to say allah. So I gave him various versions. He said there was no point in knowing Arabic if he wanted to go to Germany. I said it was always extremely useful to know a bit of Arabic, whatever country you are in. I find it lets me feel more at home here in London and Oxford.

As I drove around Knightsbridge recently I spotted an Islamic Bank of Somewhere on a roundabout and I regularly go past a pharmacy (as-sidliya). It's nice to know that the words mean exactly what they are meant to, there isn't some elaborate practical joke going on over our heads. Ads on doorways really are just about renting rooms.

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