Friday 22 March 2013

I find it easier to do my Arabic homework now

For some reason I'm better at doing a bit of work each day. If I miss a day or three I can open my small diary with the tasks I have picked out and start on today's task. Today I was at the garage for a while, so practiced some new vocab with my italic pen. I'm being easy on myself and just copying the words, not covering them up and writing them out from memory.

After each week's class I put small tasks in that little diary, based on what we did in class and the set home work for next week.

Really, I am afraid that all this work will go down the drain if I don't keep on working at it. I am worried about not being able to find a class of some sort to go to from May until next October, when the next set of classes will start. Holidays are no fun for people learning a new language! They mean 'goodbye vocab'.

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