Thursday 29 December 2016

Heavy burdens - تقرير عن التعذيب


Twice in my life now I have felt such a heavy burden that I immediately asked my mother to pray for the person concerned. That unbearable weight went away the moment I asked. I wonder whether I will able to hand things over right on into the future? That's a roundabout way of saying the unsayable.

Christmas Present - Si Lemhaf - Song about Nature and Summer I think

And - Yasmine Hamdan - Samar


أنا أقرأ تقرير عن التعذيب في سوريا. كتب احد أصدقاءي هذا التقرير مع زملاءه في المنظمة أمنيستي. أقرأ عن الحياة في السجون منذ عام ١٥ بسبب خالة أمي التي في سجن ألماني من ١٩٤٣ حتى ١٩٤٥. 


أنا أقرأ تقرير عن التعذيب في سوريا. كتبه أحد أصدقائي ** مع زملاءه في منظمة أمنيستي. أقرأ عن الحياة في السجون منذ عام ١٥ بسبب خالة أمي التي كانت في سجن ألماني من ١٩٤٣ حتى ١٩٤٥. 

1 comment:

  1. My mother has died now and I do not yet know the answer to my question to myself about whether I will be able to feel she is in some way part of my prayer life or not. At the moment not, but let's see how my thinking and feelings change over time.

    I think that the two times I asked for her prayer were answered with that immediate 'yes', which in some way stands from that moment right on into the future, my future, as they were promises made to me in those moments and somehow are not restricted to just those two conversations by phone from Oxford and Kidlington to London.


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