Monday 4 April 2016

أين سأذهب غداً؟

لا أعمل هذه الأسبوع بسبب أريد عطلة. فأذهب الى مدينة أكسفورد للفعل الجديدية. مثلاً - زرّت دير بوذي وحقيقته !! أو حديقته في حقيقة !! تكلّمت مع راهب بوذي, ثمّ فعلت فنجان شاي في مطبخ الدير. أين سأذهب غداً؟

ah yes, I removed my word play when i sent it for corrections, it didn't seem respectful enough and i didn't know whether it would come across.

errors, errors, always interesting errors:

أنا لن أعمل هذا الأسبوع لأنني أريد عطلة لأذهب الى مدينة أكسفورد لأقوم بأشياء جديدة. مثلا: زرت دير بوذي وحديقته, هنالك تكلمت مع راهب بوذي ثم أعددت فنجان شاي في مطبخ الدير. أين سأذهب غدا ؟

but this is what copy and paste did with email, all messed up on my email:


أنا لن أعمل هذا الأسبوع لأنني أريد عطلة لأذهب الى مدينة أكسفورد لأقوم بأشياء جديدة. مثلا: زرت دير بوذي وحديقته, هنالك تكلمت مع راهب بوذي ثم أعددت فنجان شاي في مطبخ الدير. أين سأذهب غدا ؟

but then i copied and pasted from email into facebook, and it all went back to normal, magic , but the red disappeared.


أنا لن أعمل هذا الأسبوع لأنني أريد عطلة لأذهب الى مدينة أكسفورد لأقوم بأشياء جديدة. مثلا: زرت دير بوذي وحديقته, هنالك تكلمت مع راهب بوذي ثم أعددت فنجان شاي في مطبخ الدير. أين سأذهب غدا ؟

now with the red added in


أنا لن - this is right because he says so, oh ok :)

interestingly أنا لن means i will not (ana lan) and when i googled it, it is the name of an anti-fgm campaign, see facebook :

لأنني = because I, obviously sounds better than my guess

لأذهب - li makes this 'in order to go to the monastery' , but what I meant was 'I didn't work this week, because I needed a holiday. (Little pause in thinking and a little leap of the mind, which is natural to us in English) Since I was off work I went to the monastery' so here's an example of my attempt at saying one thing smoothly after another still not quite working. In Arabic there is a very direct cause and effect principle which underpins the way sentences and paragraphs are written and must underpin the very nature of thinking within Arabic speaking cultures. So deeply embedded, it can't be seen or explained from within. But it's very clear to me when I see my English mind writing in Arabic and then being corrected by an Arabic speaking mind.

What is the exact nature of these tiny leaps which I still can't avoid making between thoughts? What do they mean? How important are they to our English speaking way of being? It can't be just me doing this, it must be a classic part of what we do. I'm doing it now and am happy with it. How can I possibly learn to consciously switch back and forth between my way and the connected cause and effect way when ever I choose? - try this dictionary

لأقوم - I don't know what this means, i can't find it anywhere

بأشياء جديدة - bi goes with the mysterious verb just before it, and the plural of thing is أشياء

my guess at 'doing new things' wasn't remotely right, but i'm glad i tried!

هنالك - is a typo, should be هناك

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